Faith Debugged

Spiritual Insights from an Exterminator

Stop Inviting, Start Asking

Today I was talking with one of our pest techs about collections. I had told him one time that I no longer ask the customer IF they would be paying at time of service. I now ask them HOW they would be paying. I’ve stopped inviting the customer to pay and now I ask the customer to pay. My collections have went up fifty percent by doing this.

Upon our last talk he said he also has gone from inviting the customer to pay to asking and his collections have gone up as well. By merely rephrasing the question to the customer, between two people collections have risen for our office one hundred percent.

The customer now has pressure to pay at the moment rather than having the option of sending in a payment later. I know it sounds mean to put pressure on the customer but most services that are performed by companies usually suggest payment upon completion of service. Even during a sensitive moment when I had to put a pet down, the vet demanded payment and would not bill me. Why not ask for payment rather than give the option of payment later.

Actually the option is still there. It’s just unspoken. Unlike the vet, if the customer asked meĀ  for a payment plan I’m not going to turn them down. But I’m not going to vocalize the option because as a business man we prefer to have payment made when the service is finished. There’s nothing wrong with that.

I’m thinking maybe it’s better to stop inviting people to church and start asking them to come. I know on the surface that sounds a little demanding but it’s not. If you invite someone to church, you’re giving them the option of not coming with no pressure. That may sound like a good thing. But how many people actually do anything if given an option with no pressure? When’s the last time someone invited you and you decided not to go and their was no guilt involved?

I’m not talking negative pressure. I’m talking the kind of pressure that they have to say yes or no. There’s no repercussions for answering no. But I’ve learned that options rarely garner the wanted outcome. If made to give a direct answer they normally give an answer. You just can’t get upset when they say no. Shake their hand and say ok.

So what if instead of inviting people to church, we asked the question, “Would you come to church with me?” Have them answer a question instead of an open-ended request. You may make more in collections!

March 8, 2011 Posted by | devotion, sales | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment